Verdicts of the judge system

Verdict Abbreviation Indication
Waiting The judge is so busy that it can't judge your submit at the moment, usualy you just need to wait a minute and your submit will be judged.
Accepted AC The solution has produced output that the judge system or a checker program (commonly referred to as a special judge) accepts as correct.
Compile Error CE The solution cannot be compiled into any program runnable by the judge system.
Presentation Error PE The solution has produced output that is correct in content but incorrect in format.
Wrong Answer WA The solution has not produced the desired output.
Time Limit Exceeded TLE The solution has run for longer time than permitted. This means either the time spent on all test cases exceeds the overall limit or that spent on a single test case exceeds the per-case limit.
Memory Limit Exceeded MLE The solution has consumed more memory than permitted.
Output Limit Exceeded OLE The solution has produced excessive output.
Segmentation Fault SF The possible cases of your encountering this error are:
  • 1.buffer overflow --- usually caused by a pointer reference out of range.
  • 2.stack overflow --- please keep in mind that the default stack size is 8192K.
Floating Point Error FPE Divide by 0
Runtime Error RE The solution has caused an unhandled exception (as defined by the runtime environment) during execution. Notice that buffer overflow and stack overflow can also lead to this error.
Non-zero Exit Code NZEC Your program exited returning a non-zero value to the shell. For languages such as C, this probably means you forgot to add "return 0" at the end of the program. For interpreted languages NZEC will usually mean that your program either crashed or raised an uncaught exception.
Validator Error VE The checker program has exhibited abnormal behavior while validating the output produced by the solution.
System Error SE The judge system has failed to run the solution.